FoodBank Sunday

woman in black shirt walking on market

This Sunday, 5 January, is the monthly collecting day for non perishable foods for use at the two local food-banks we support. If unable to get to church today due to weather please bring your non-perishable items next week. Gifts given to the Larder are collected in Carryduff and for

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FoodBank Sunday 1st December

This Sunday, 1 December, is the monthly collecting day for non perishable foods for use at the two local food-banks we support. Gifts given to the Larder are collected in Carryduff and for Ballynahinch FoodBank are gathered in Killaney. Thanks go to everyone who supports those less able to manage

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Sunday 13 October 2024

13 October Worship This Sunday is Confirmation Sunday. We look forward to Bishop David McClay’s first visit to our parishes for Sunday Worship as he meets the congregations of Killaney and Carryduff in St. Ignatius’, Carryduff at 7:00 pm. Five young people have decided to offer themselves for confirmation, a

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Harvest Sunday at Carryduff

Harvest is so special we celebrate it twice! Sunday 6th October at St. Ignatius’, Carryduff is Harvest Thanksgiving. Our two services are as follows: 8:30 am Holy Communion ONE Readings: Ephesians 4:17-24 and John 12:20-26 10:00 am Harvest Thanksgiving Readings: Matthew 25:31-40 and Ephesians 4:17-24 Harvest at Killaney is planned for Sunday 20th October

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Freedom Sunday

We celebrate the work of Christians around the world who seek to put an end to modern slavery, one victim at a time, on Sunday 22 September at Carryduff and Killaney. IJM is the organisation whose work we will celebrate together. Hannah Elliott is Ireland director of International Justice Mission

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Sunday 1st September

On Sunday 1st September, we invite all our summer holiday-makers back to worship at St Andrew’s and St Ignatius’ Churches. We hope you had a great time, despite the mixed weather, and we promise to have the church comfortable for worship this week even if it is cold outside! Sunday

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25 August 2024

purple Freedom lighted freestanding letters on brown surface

Sunday Services at Carryduff and Killlaney this week are as follows using Ephesians 6:10-20 and John 8:31-36 Saint Ignatius’ Church Carryduff 8:30 am Early Communion 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Saint Andrew’s Church Killaney 12:00 pm Sunday Worship Order of service at 10 and 12 2024-08-25 1000 1200

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Sunday 11 August

woman in black tank top covering her face with her hands

This Sunday, 11th August 2024, we meet to hear the word of God and to reflect on Jesus’ words to a woman: “I do not condemn you: go and leave your life of sin” Is this a message for one person who had messed up their life with one illicit act,

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