Sunday 27 August

Moses: born twice?

Our main services at Killaney and Carryduff this week include teaching on the birth of Moses. The teaser in the title is to help you think. Read Exodus 1.8-22 and Exodus 2.1-10 to get some insights for yourself!
We will welcome Keith as he preaches at the early Communion at Carryduff.


8:30 am Holy Communion

Romans 12.1-8, Matthew 16.13-20
2023-08-27 early

10:00 am Sunday Morning Prayer

Exodus 1:8-22 and Exodus 2:1-10
2023-08-27 1000 large


12:00 pm Sunday Morning Prayer

Exodus 1:8-22 and Exodus 2:1-10
2023-08-27 1200 large