We are looking forward to gathering at worship again this Sunday in St. Andrew’s, Killaney and St. Ignatius’, Carryduff We focus this week on service, in the different roles we find ourselves. 21 May 2023 Readings: 1 Peter 5.1-11 Luke 17.1-11 St. Ignatius’, Carryduff 8:30 am Early Communion 10:00 am Sunday Morning Prayer
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Sunday 14 May 2023
You are warmly invited to attend worship at St Ignatius’ Church, Carryduff and St Andrew’s Church, Killaney on Sunday 14 May. The service theme is focussed as always on a Bible passage which helps us understand God’s purpose for each of us is. At 10 and 12, we are going
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We look forward to the opportunity to gather togther in prayer and worship on the weekend which marks the Coronation of a new King. To mark this significant moment in the nation’s life, and seeking God’s strength for the new king to help him serve God, and all of us,
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Our Coronation double edition has been printed and made available to distributors last weekend. Those on eamil listings have received their copy, now all that is left is for us all to take action on the many suggestions included within it. Visit our magazine page to get the details.
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With many people in our country excited with the weekend ahead, and others facing challenges which fill them with dread, let us hear the word of God to all of us. FoodBank Sunday is this Sunday as usual.
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We see the evidence every day, whether we watch television, read books, or enjoy meals out. What we do not always see is the evidence in our own lives! While there are probably specific characteristics in our upbringing, life experience, the company we keep, and the entertainment we seek which
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