Dangerous and Safe drinking

We see the evidence every day, whether we watch television, read books, or enjoy meals out. What we do not always see is the evidence in our own lives!

While there are probably specific characteristics in our upbringing, life experience, the company we keep, and the entertainment we seek which can increase its likelihood, I suspect just about anyone can succumb to alcoholism. While the move in that direction may start with an error of judgment, there comes a time when the sufferer has lost almost all control of their use of alcohol.

The initial error may cause others to criticise, but the ultimate state should move us to offer compassionate support where it can be received.

My earliest experience of the condition was of a tipsy man who called regularly at our house to ask for a few shillings, two bob was a thing then, and whose nickname was Bubbles.

There was nothing bubbly about him at our door, and yet his earlier charm and decorum were still evident at times.

It painted a picture for me of the risks inherent in drinking alcohol and I have never forgotten it.

May the church family become a community where those who struggle with any kind of addiction find kindly, gentle and affirming people who stand by those who are struggling.

If you are unsure whether you have a problem or not, perhaps a good place to start would be to take a little test. Several are available online at this site built by the Recovery Village Recovery