Magazine Date May and June

The Coronation Edition of the parishes magazine, Crossroads, is being produced this week for publication on Friday 28th April. Our collators and distributors will produce and receive their bundles on or after that date. We hope you enjoy reading your copy and that you keep it handy to see which

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Easter Services 2023

3 April Monday 7:45 Cathedra Choir Concert in Down Cathedral Featuring John Rutter’s Requiem – £15 at door 4 April Tuesday 7:30 Holy Week Service in Carryduff Waiting for a Messiah Luke 24:13–27 5 April Wednesday 10:00 Holy Week Communion in Killaney Hebrews 12:1–3 John 13:21–32 7:30 Holy Week Service in Carryduff Wondering where

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