Easter Services 2023

3 April Monday

7:45 Cathedra Choir Concert in Down Cathedral

Featuring John Rutter’s Requiem – £15 at door

4 April Tuesday

7:30 Holy Week Service in Carryduff

Waiting for a Messiah Luke 24:13–27

5 April Wednesday

10:00 Holy Week Communion in Killaney

Hebrews 12:13 John 13:21–32

7:30 Holy Week Service in Carryduff

Wondering where God is Matthew 27:32–56

6 April Thursday

6:30 Maundy Thursday Meal in Carryduff Hall

Washing Feet at the Supper John 13:1–17

7 April Good Friday

10:00 Good Friday Morning Worship (all ages) in Carryduff

Men and women are witnesses to Jesus’ death Mark 15:21

7:30 Holy Week Service in Carryduff

Wishing for hope at the foot of the cross Isaiah 53:1–12

9 April Easter Day (White)

8:30 Early Communion ONE in Carryduff

Acts 10:34–43 John 20:1–18

10:00 Easter Parish Communion in Carryduff

Acts 10:34–43 John 20:1–18 (Both churches)

12:00 Easter Parish Communion in Killaney

16 April The Second Sunday of Easter (White)

8:30 Early Communion in Carryduff

1 Peter 1:3–9 John 20:19–31

10:00 Morning Worship in Carryduff

Acts 2:14a,22–32 John 20:19–31 (Both churches)

The Church enlarged through Christ-focussed preaching

12:00 Sunday Morning Worship in Killaney

19 April Wednesday

10:00 Midweek Communion in Carryduff

Psalm 34:1–8 John 3:16–21

23 April The Third Sunday of Easter (White)

8:30 Early Communion in Carryduff

1 Peter 1:17–23 Luke 24:13–35

10:00 Morning Worship in Carryduff

Acts 2:14a,36–41 1 Peter 1:17–23 (Both churches)

The Church enlarged through changed lives with deep repentance

12:00 Sunday Morning Worship in Killaney

26 April Wednesday

10:00 Midweek Communion in Carryduff

Acts 8:1b–8 Iohn 6:35–40

30 April The Fourth Sunday of Easter (White)

8:30 Early Communion in Carryduff

1 Peter 2:19–25 John 10:1–10

10:00 Morning Worship in Carryduff

Acts 2:42–47 1 Peter 2:19–25 (Both churches)

The church enlarged through life-affirming fellowship

12:00 Sunday Morning Worship in Killaney