Oh! Loh! That is how the Diocese of Olo is pronounced for those of you who struggle with it (nearly everyone struggles!) We received correspondence from CMSIreland which includes a greeting from Bishop Tandema. “Greetings and happy new year 2022. Thank you for thinking about the people of South Sudan
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Mothers’ Union News
Mothers’ Union A very belated “Happy New Year “ to all our members. Firstly, some interesting Diocesan news. As you may know, Roberta McCartney’s time as Diocesan President has come to an end and we would like to extend our thanks to her for all her support in what has
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Dear Friends It has been exciting watching, and sharing with people in our parishes, as they grapple with the implications of the book “Love Your Church.” One of the key elements is to belong to the local church. For Church of Ireland church members this presents a challenge. For many
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2022 February Edition of Crossroads This month’s magazine is available online with links to relevant remote sites.
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This month’s MU meeting will introduce us to the MU theme of the year; Transformation. There is some uncertainty about whether our planned speaker will be able to attend, so, just in case, we have a back-up plan in the form of a service. We will not know for sure
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(Listen and watch here)
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