Leave us alone | Day 23 | Dec 20

Family Versus Church

The dilemma

The story of the Rechabites, as told by Jeremiah, reveals the strange dichotomy between our attitudes to what “grandda” says and what “The Lord” says.

This particular family in Jerusalem were strict in their obedience to their ancestral father’s command, but the people around them ignored and disobeyed their heavenly Father’s command. Read Jeremiah 35 to discover more.

God said:

16 "The descendants of Jehonadab son of Rekab have carried out the command their forefather gave them, but these people have not obeyed me.”

We see it when people provide an excuse for not taking part in a particular Christian activity: “My father didn’t believe in going to communion more than once a year”, or “Our family never gives to any charity but one related to the order.”

So we follow that family tradition to the letter, and set aside the plain teaching and command of Jesus to “do this in remembrance of me” or to “do to others what you would have them do to you.”

My examples are probably far-fetched, but ask yourself, “Is there anything in my family’s traditions which I know is straying from the teaching of our Lord?”

Time to take a second look.

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