Bible Society Northern Ireland regularly produce a daily bible reading guide to assist people to read their own bibles daily! If you would like an individual copy, please use the following link to get one. For further details, before applying, you can see last year’s version here. If there is
Continue readingMonth: December 2021
New Year Weekend at Church
1 January 2022 St Ignatius’ Church 10:00 am New Year’s Day Communion New Year Communion 2 January 2022 St Ignatius’ Church 8:30 am Early Communion Early Communion 10:00 am Parish Communion Parish Communion St Andrew’s Church 12:00 pm Parish Communion Parish Communion
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We welcome you to worship today at Carryduff and Killlaney parish churches at 10 am and 12 pm respectively. Worship continues with a seasonal theme, although this time it reflects on the message of forgiveness from the lips of Saint Stephen. Come and experience the wonder of forgiveness!
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Christmas Day Sermon and Carols from St Andrew’s Church, December, 25, 2021.
Continue readingHappy Christmas | Dec 25

To watch this, rather than read it, may I suggest you click the image above or use this link. Happy Christmas morning! May I, on behalf of my family, wish you and all your loved ones are blessed and happy Christmas season Every year brings its own challenges, and I
Continue readingWaiting is nearly over | Day 27 | Dec 24

The Waiting goes on . . . . and on! When will this be over? No, I am not talking about COVID–19. I try to avoid starting conversations that way when I can, although we all have opinions about it. Some borne of tragedy, some of confusion and many by
Continue readingAnyone for Tea? | Day 26 | Dec 23

Anyone for tea? Cautionary Tales We were invited to Aras an Uchtaran some years ago. That is the name of the Irish Presidents’s formal home in Phoenix Park Dublin. We were both nervous and elated. We were put at a table beside a couple who, like us, had moved with
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St Ignatius’ Carryduff Friday 24th December 8:00 pm Christmas Communion Christmas Eve at Carryduff Saturday Christmas Day 10:30 am Church Family Christmas Service Sunday 26th Boxing Day 10:00 am Holy Communion Boxing Day at Carryduff St. Andrew’s, Killaney Saturday Christmas Day 9:30 am Christmas Family Service with Communion Christmas Day
Continue readingAbandoned by the king | Day 25 | Dec 22

An excuse for a man The brave words of a crumby king: ‘He is in your hands,’ King Zedekiah answered. ‘The king can do nothing to oppose you.’ Imagine today’s political leaders stepping back and abandoning their duty! Leaving us high and dry! Here was a king who used the
Continue readingJust a wee dram | Day 24 | Dec 21

At this season of joyful excess, these words come as a powerful reminder of the danger of the season of too much joyful excess. Remember in your prayers those who do not know when to say No! Enough! Today’s post is simply a quote from Proverbs 23 29 Who has woe?
Continue readingLeave us alone | Day 23 | Dec 20

Family Versus Church The dilemma The story of the Rechabites, as told by Jeremiah, reveals the strange dichotomy between our attitudes to what “grandda” says and what “The Lord” says. This particular family in Jerusalem were strict in their obedience to their ancestral father’s command, but the people around them
Continue readingSlaves to our past | Day 22 | Dec 19

Repenting of … repentance? Slavery in the Jewish world When the great William Wilberforce challenged the world of its dependence on slavery, and managed by his death to see legislation ban the slave trade from the British empire, he faced many people inside the church and outside it who believed
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