In the churches we have occasionally used music from SameBoatMusic. Here is today’s song.
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Sunday Morning Worship
With readings from Killaney and Carryduff, and music by Michelle and Eric, we join Stephen and Vera at the rectory around 9:00 am.
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Prayerful GreetingsDear friendWe are experiencing an increasingly draconian threat to our health at the hands of COVID-19. Please remember to pray for one another, to place suitable distance between yourself and others, and to entrust yourself to the hands of Almighty God through our saviour Jesus Christ.It has been very
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Mothering Sunday at 9:00 am
It is Mothering Sunday. This morning at 9:00 am we are broadcasting a service of Holy Communion from the Jeremy Taylor Chapel. We hope you take comfort in this reminder of God’s everlasting love. Please feel free to join in the responses, and share in our parish prayers. If you
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Caution Vicar!
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Please visit each of these linked pages to help us be a church – even when we are not gathering – and so help us keep encouraging each other. Prayer Letter from Bishop David FAQ on Coronavirus Resourcing families, young people and children Continuing to be a church!
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In line with the patterns adopted by other denominations the Diocese of Down and Dromore has instructed us not to conduct services for gathered congregations. This means, effectively, that there are no services planned to take place in St. Ignatius’, Carryduff. or St. Andrew’s, Killaney for the present time. While
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The Church of Ireland has issued the following advice today. Please study it. I will make comments when I too have had an opportunity to study the instruction. Visit See here
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We are sorry, but not surprised, to hear that our Art Club, like so many routine events, have closed their doors for the foreseeable future. We value heir decision in the interests of the health and well being of their members and wish them well during the break.
Continue readingA new “normal”. What now?
Harry de Quetteville, a writer in the Daily Telegraph, described the impact of the Prime Minister’s comment yesterday “No more ‘non-essential contact with others’”. The writer said “In that one technical phrase, in the blink of an eye, all our lives changed…. we now must add March 16 to a
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Our Bowling Club, which usually meets on Wednesday evenings, has decided to suspend activities for the rest of the season. Please keep in touch by phone in order to support one another during this quiet time in all our lives.
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