Sunday 11 August

This Sunday, 11th August 2024, we meet to hear the word of God and to reflect on Jesus’ words to a woman:

“I do not condemn you: go and leave your life of sin”

Is this a message for one person who had messed up their life with one illicit act, or can we embrace this message for ourselves and our communities in this difficult time? We hope you will come and worship God with your church families, wherever you are, and hear his message of hope and challenge.

The readings for today, printed in the service sheet downloadable below, are
Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2 and John 7:53 – 8:11. If you click on the texts here your device may take you directly to them.

2024-08-11 1000 1200 Order of Service with readings

St. Ignatius’, Carryduff

8:30 am Holy Communion

10:00 am Sunday Morning Prayer

St. Andrew’s, Killaney

12:00 pm Sunday Morning Prayer