Wednesday 26th May

Our monthly midweek service with Lunch is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 26th May at 11:30 am in St. Ignatius’, Carryduff. You are sure to receive a warm welcome.
The service usually lasts 30-35 minutes, and involves bible readings, a short address, and an invitation to receive Holy Communion.
Afterwards a light meal is served, hopefully outside in the warm May sunshine; but, whatever the weather we will DV eat together and enjoy the conversations over the table.
We hope you can come. People often sign up to let us know they are coming. You could help the organisers to set the right number of places by letting them know, but we always leave a few places open for those who haven’t booked! And it’s free, but you can donate if you really want to!
Email to let us know if you haven’t done so already.