A Friday Midweek Service When the Feast of the Epiphany occurs we sometimes move our midweek communion to make the two events concur. On Friday 6th January our midweek service is due to take place, the Lord being willing, at St. Ignatius’, Carryduff at 10:00 am. You will be made
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Larder and Foodbank Sunday(s)

Happy New Year! You’ve been asking… When is Foodbank and Larder Sunday this month? Thank you to all who give generously and faithfully to the local foodbanks we support. With Sunday occurring so early in the month (1st January) and just after a holiday week for some, we will accept
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Sunday 1st January in the year of our Lord 2023 Today we begin the New Year – as we mean to go on (?) – by putting God first and foremost in our lives, as we gather for worship. How do you hope this year will turn out for you
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Sunday is looking good this week with a Nativity in Carryduff and a Combined Carol Service in Killaney. Services are as follows: 8:30 am Holy Communion in Carryduff 10:00 am The Nativity in Carryduff 3:00 pm Combined Lessons and Carols in Killaney 2022-12-18 Combined Carols Refreshments have been organised for
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Sunday 11 December 2022 St. Ignatius’, Carryduff 8:30 Early Communion 2022-12-11 early 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship Order of Service 6:00 Scouts Carols Service Service St. Andrew’s, Killaney 12:00 Sunday Morning Worship Order of Service
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Sunday 4th December St. Ignatius’, Carryduff 8:30 am Early Communion ONE 10:00 am Parish Communion Order of Service St. Andrew’s, Killaney 12:00 pm Parish Communion Order of Service 5:00 pm Lighting the Community Christmas Tree
Continue readingLarder Sunday and Foodbank Sunday

We want to help people who are finding this winter season difficult or nearly impossible. With prices rising in just about every shop in every sector any help offered is appreciated. Our churches support Ballynahinch Foodbank (from the parishioners of Killaney) and The Larder at St Christopher’s (from the parishioners
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