Trinity Sunday 12 June
Habitat for Humanity NI are paying a visit this Sunday to Carryduff and Killaney. Pete Graham will share with us how Habitat has been helping people in Ukraine, and local projects to help people have a sense of home at the heart of their lives.
Starting with a reading from Nehemiah we will discover God’s purpose for his people to have a home.
Please note the morning service reading has changed from those previously published.
Services and orders are as follows:
8:30 am Early Communion
2022-06-12 8:30 Service
Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15
10:00 am Morning Worship with Sunday Club
followed by refreshments with donation basket
2022-06-12 10:30 Order of Service
Nehemiah 1:1-4 and Nehemiah 1:11 and Nehemiah 2:1-5
from 11:30 Coffee and Teas in the Church Hall
12:00 pm Morning Worship with Sunday Club
2022-06-12 12:00 Order of Service
Nehemiah 1:1-4 and Nehemiah 1:11 and Nehemiah 2:1-5