As we prepare to take our opportunity to vote seriously at next week’s elections, it may be useful to study the research done in the background on the candidates we have available to us in our constituencies. CARE is a group who have done this research and have made available
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May 1st Services

3rd Sunday of Easter (White) 8:30 am Early Communion in Carryduff Order of Service Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-14 10:00 Morning Worship: (Larder Sunday) in Carryduff Order of Service Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:15-19 12:00 Morning Worship (Foodbank Sunday) in Killaney Order of Service Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:15-19
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17 April 2022 EASTER DAY Readings: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 John 20:1-18 NIV-UK 8:30 Holy Communion at St. Ignatius’, Carryduff Order of Service 10:00 Parish Communion at St. Ignatius’, Carryduff Order of Service 12:00 Parish Communion at St. Andrew’s, Killaney Order of Service
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Our planned Monday evening trip to Down Cathedral to enjoy a concert performed there, The Crucifixion by John Stainer, has sadly had to be postponed due to illness in one or more key members of the performance group. We will let you know when the concert is re-scheduled in the
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