Waiting is nearly over | Day 27 | Dec 24

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The Waiting goes on . .

. . and on!

When will this be over?

No, I am not talking about COVID–19. I try to avoid starting conversations that way when I can, although we all have opinions about it. Some borne of tragedy, some of confusion and many by huge frustration! Most people are happy to share.

When it all started we were told 12 weeks. It is now 21 months.

Oops, sorry, I am not meant to be talking about that.

I am thinking of Christmas Day. There are only another 16 hours from the publication of this message to the arrival of the great day – the Christian Festival above all others – which captures the imagination of the whole world!

It sometimes reminds me of my wedding day: all the excitement, all the preparations, all the conversations and gatherings all ending to this one occasion which makes a lot more sense than all that preceded it. And it was worth waiting for.

While the festival has been stolen a little by commercial interests, re-formulated to exaggerate the magic of acquisition, and re-coloured to match whatever the ‘in-flavour’ focus of the era we are living in, it is still Christmas.

  • The poor mother bearing her (humanly) unplanned child in a borrowed basement rom with the animals for warmth.

  • The startled sheep watchers realising that something beyond their understanding was happening in the village nearby.

  • The anxious king discovering that the prophecies of old were coming true on his watch.

  • The patient believers awaiting a new Moses to come among their people to save them not by law but by fulfilling God’s promise.

  • The Baby Jesus whose mother and her espoused husband watched with love as he made his appearance.

Ah. HE was worth waiting for, and he is here now. No longer in a stable, no more on a Cross, but on a heavenly throne where he intercedes for us his brothers and sisters.

Welcome Jesus into your Christmas, and make it once again HIS Day!

One more to go … . see you tomorrow at 8:00 am

Clocks Photo by alexandru vicol on Unsplash

Alarm Clock Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

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