Click here November Edition of Crossroads for the magazine. Sorry for the incorrect link in the email!!!
Continue readingMonth: October 2021
Sunday 31 October
This Sunday we include services in Carryduff at 3:00 pm and Killaney at 12:00 pm during which we want to remember those who have died in the period since the Pandemic arrived in our community early last year. During these services short tributes for some will be made by the
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Bible Society News Here is the video from Killaney with a report from Bible Society on the last year and a bit. Very encouraging news I thought!
Continue readingBible Sunday 24 October

This Sunday is Bible Sunday and we look forward to Keith sharing at the main mornng services from 2 Timothy 3:14-17. Worship details are as follows (including orders of service where available). There will be no inside refreshments this week Sunday 24 October | Bible Sunday 8:30 am Early Communion at Carryduff
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Greetings to one and all. I hope some of you will be vsiting Killaney on Sunday 10 for the Harvest there at 3:00 pm. Worship and Teaching at St Ignatius’ is as follows: 8:30 am Early Communion 10:00 am Parish Communion 7:00 pm Teaching: How you can help make a
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We are really looking forward to our first afternoon service since Lockdown, as we meet on Sunday 10th October at 3:00 pm in St. Andrew’s, Killaney. We hope to serve a cuppa after worship, this time in the church building itself, inviting all preswent to remain in their seats with
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