PhoneLine Sermon for Vocations Sunday
Tell your non-techy friends about 028 9124 2230, please, as they will not be reading this online!!
On Sunday 19th September a sermon by Bishop David will be broadcast on our page. If you would like to listen to an audio version (as you are unable to get Facebook or Online services) then you can use the parish services phoneline which is re-awakened from 14 September to 26 September.
A very small number of people used this service, and it was suspended (as they were able to return to church) but as this sermon will not be played in full at church they make like to phonbe to listen.
The number is . . .
028 9124 2230
. . . and it only costs your local phone charge. The church pays a small amount too, which is gladly given. Please only use it to listen once.
Tell your non-techy friends about this, please, as they will not be reading this online!!