The parishes have done us proud as members and their friends have produced several woolly hats, gloves, and scarves to give to the people who visit Belfast Port. Sailors from all over the world visit the Flying Angel Mission and receive gifts from the team there. For our visit to
Continue readingMonth: November 2018
Good soil: fit for growth!

Sunday Special this week is all about being the sort of people that God can grow good seed in. How we can be more fruitful. Worship starts at 10:30 in Carryduff and 12:00 in Killaney with J Club and Sunday schools leaders doing most of the talking. It will be
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We are sad to announce the death of Mr Derek McKinley of Carryduff. We sympathise with his family and wide circle of friends. The funeral will take place at 2:00 pm on Monday 19th November 2018 at St. Ignatius’, Carryduff.
Continue readingTreading in Borderlands
treading the borderlands In Tom Wright’s book, “Luke for Everyone”, he translates a phrase in this passage – Luke 17:11-19 – using the word “borderlands”. It sounds like, and is, the title of a book (see Borderlands) which aims to be a guide through the borderlands of life’s changes and transitions
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Christmas Wreaths
Operation Christmas starts . . . .
The first of the boxes leave the churches on their way to the distribution point in Belfast
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