The next instalments of our monthly all age services, Sunday Special, take place on 28 October, Bible Sunday, at 10:30 and 12:00.
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It is a interesting question: who asked Jesus the questions about the two disciples sitting on either side of him in his kingdom? Was it John and James, or was it their ambitious mother? Mark 10.35-45 Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. “Teacher,” they said, “we
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Visit our Harvest Puppet Video here
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Harvest at Killaney
It is Harvest Time at St. Andrew’s, Killaney on Sunday 21st October at 3:00 pm. Our preacher is Adrian McCartney, rector of Belvoir Parish. Everyone is warmly invited to attend and to stay for Harvest Refreshments afterwards.
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Julian Fellowes captured the minds and hearts of our nation when he created the “Downton Abbey” Television Series. Like one of the wealthy characters in the series, he presents an image of a grand life in the public sphere. But what was it really like to be one of the
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Mr Bryan Holliday has been a much valued member of our Wednesday Morning fellowship at St Ignatius’ Carryduff. He and his late wife Norma had attended our midweek communions and lunches for several years. It is with sorrow that we announce his death which took place peacefully on Saturday 13th
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We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs Edwina Scott of Carryduff. A Service of Thanksgiving for her life will take place in St. Ignatius’, Carryduff on Sunday 7th October at 2:30 pm. For further details visit We extend our sympathies to her family circle.
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We hope to hold a Christmas Wreath workshop on Tuesday 11th December at 10.00 am and 7.00 pm in Carryduff Church Hall. Last year we had great fun and made beautiful Christmas wreaths. With the profits we purchased two trolleys for catering purposes. This year we should like to buy recycling
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