Video Services
Here is the YouTube video channel. If you subscribe (for free) to the channel then you do not need to come into THIS page to see what’s up next!
Please visit our daily update page to see the latest videos.
Sunday morning, 14th June’s service, will be available from around 9:45 am. Please visit the page marked to see the most recent film.
Thursday 11th June features a reading by Joan and thoughts on the Peacemakers of Matthew 5:9
Wednesday 10th June is a communion service on the theme of Purity. From St Andrew’s, Killaney, with Deborah, Keith and Vera.
Monday with Marlene. We thank Marlene for sharing some thoughts and prayers around friendship on this day, Minday 8th June.
It is Saturday 6th June and Denis’s thoughts on the Three-in-One are read by Stephen. Follow up with a great piece of music from John Rutter peformed by Libera, called Deep Peace
On Friday 5th June we focus on the Beatitude: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice. With Rachael reading and Great is the Lord form Simon Burrowes.
The video for Thursday 4th June is here, it features a reading by Maureen and a song by Rachael. Thanks for looking at Matthew 5:5 together.
Thanks to Liz who is our reader today, Jim and Margaret for their greeting, and Matthew 5:4 for our theme: Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Watch here.
Keith leads today, Tuesday’s service with a reading by Jenny and a short address from Stephen.
Monday 1st June ALREADY! Here is today’s introduction to the Beatitudes: well, a simple reading by Jim, and a few thoughts, really.
On Pentecost Sunday we have several resources to share: here is the order of service for the drive in church.
We also have a short special illustrated talk for children and young people from the DDYC Team.
A slightly shortened version of the day’s service has already been prepared for the phone-in members using 028 9124 2230 to listen without advanced technologies! (this is done each day at around 10 am)
Our pre-recorded Pentecost Sunday Service is here.
Saturday again features words written by Denis Carson. Been watching the birds in the garden lately? Denis has! This week’s diocesan prayer cycle today features Men’s Talk. Listen in, why don’t you?
Today, in the open air, we pray for civic leaders using the words of the prayer book. Following this please visit Bishop David’s Message or enjoy a meditative piece together
On Pentecost, this Sunday, at 10:00 am in Carryduff and 2:00 pm in Killaney, we have a Drive-in-Service. the content will also be available online from around 10:00 am on Sunday. Pedestrians may not enter the church car parks as there will already be six people gathered there to assist the event.
Two messages today, the first from Stephen with Marlene, Keith and Gary making their contributions.
The second is my invitiation to you to join a zoom prayer meeting taking place at 7:30 pm tonight. Please message Stephen and he will return to you with a link to the zoom meeting. It is limited to 40 minutes so please arrive on time! The Prayer meeting involves a little participation by those present (who wish to) using a downloadable resource (which FB will not let me post here for technical reasons). I will post it with your link.
Today’s contribution from the parish is a reflection on Matthew 6:24 and some news about this week’s Drive-In services on Sunday 31st May at 10:00 and 2:00. Bishop David leads a reflection and this is followed by Sung Litany from Down Cathedral.
Today, Tuesday’s, service is led by Stephen and Keith and reminds us that memories can inspire us or, sometimes, overwhelm us, if we let them. See the service here.
Day 4 of the Diocesan Prayer focus involves a video message by our local Area deanery cry and prayers by Chris who prepared the video. Thanks to Eunice for her greeting: why not send in one yourself. It doesn’t take much time, just a short selfie video sent to Stephen. Sending it from you phone number is an agreement that it may be used. Here is Monday’s message.
On Sunday 24th May, The Sunday after the Ascension , our service features prayers by four NI church leaders working in the Diocese of Down and Dromore. Reading is by Joan, Music by Michelle and Eric, and the service text is available for download here. The Video is available here.
Saturday 23 May features words by Denis Carson. Here!
Two videos today FRIDAY 22nd, The first a short reflection from Stephen, completing the week’s focus on the finger prayer. The second is our 10 days of prayer video from Bishop David McClay for young adults.
Ascension Day Service Please join us today as we pray for the vulnerable. Note Sunday is our first Drive-in-Church with services at Carryduff at 10:00 am and at Killaney at 2:00 pm. Cars only please. You must stay in your car and follow directions from vestry members supervising parking etc.
Praying for those in authority today as we reflect on the reasons God asks us to pray for those who lead nations and societies. With prayers by Denis, read by Vera. Readings from Joshua, James and 1 Timothy. Watch here.
Our second prayer focus this week is on teachers and prayers will be led by Marlene. Watch and listen here.
Monday 18 May: we use the 5 finger prayer as a key to help us pray for more than a tiny number of people. Today is the First Finger, the thumb, as we pray for those closest to us. You may like to download this pdf image before you watch today’s video.
Sunday Morning Communion from St Ignatius’ Church. Sunday 17 May 2020. We look forward to your presence in spirit with us. Please join our service here.
Saturday? Time for words from Denis! We hope you enjoy a new perspective on the silence. Watch it here. Don’t forget Holy Communion from St. Ignatius’ from 9:00 am, tomorrow, Sunday 17th May.
Friday Morning release of Precious Possessions.
Thursday focusses on a Holy Nation from 1st Peter. Keith leads prayers and we finish with a short hymn from our ‘choir’. Watch it here.
On Wednesday a short message from inside Carryduff Church. The royal priesthood encompasses every believer. Our shared duty is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. Watch it here. The video ends with King of Kings, a song which celebrates the royal King Jesus whom it is our privilege to serve as part of his royal priesthood. Thanks to Michelle and Eric for the song.
Tuesday 12th May. Thank you to Keith, who opens the service, and Maureen for reading today It is about “The Chosen Race”
Monday 11 May. We start a short series focussing on God’s words through Peter: Once you were not a people, now you are God’s People. Here it is.
Sunday morning 10th May: we ‘meet’ in St Andrew’s, Killaney to celebrate Holy Communion. “Like newborn babies crave pure spiritual milk” How are we thirsting for God during our crisis weeks? Join the service here.
On Saturday we hear words by Denis Carson as he reflects on lessons learnt on his knees at his own front door in lockdown. Thank you, Denis.
It is Friday, Video 56, and we reflect on the need for compassion to clothe us in stressful times. Thank you for watching here.
Here is today’s slightly late video. How Great Thou Art. Now with song audible!! Sorry!
What wonderful hymns inspire you? Please feel free to share. This morning’s service celebrates God’s unrelenting love as we bring those grieving into his prayerful presence. Wednesday 6 May.
The Psalm we have been sharing, Psalm 23, reaches verse 6 today, Tuesday 5th May. Join us as we look forward to the continuing presence of God the Father in our lives today and forever. With Music by Michelle and Eric.
A new week begins with Rachael singing Amazing Grace, with prayers led by Keith and a reflection by Stephen. It has been IMPROVED and is here now.
Marlene Moore shares some thoughts from Jesu. Thou Joy of loving hearts. Watch it here on Sunday morning, and sing along.
This is Saturday 2nd May’s video service, featuring a reading of a puece by Denis Carson, photos of Connemara to go with the story and music by Eric and Michelle. Click here to watch.
Your rod and your staff they comfort me: OR How to use a walking stick to help you in your walk with God. Watch here.
For Thursday we reflect on the “Valley of the Shadow of Death”. Here it is.
Watch Wednesday’s service here.
On Tuesday we ask the question: How does the Shepherd make his sheep lie down? It is part of our week long reflection on the 23rd Psalm from the point of view of a Shepherd. Watch the video here. To buy the book in paperback or on Kindle you may like to follow this link. Music today by Michelle and Eric, Reading by Raymond.
It is MONDAY 27th and we start a short series reflecting on the 23rd Psalm. Join us here.
Sunday service for 26th April is available here.
Saturday Morning “This Strange Time” features an article written by Denis Carson and music with Eric and Michelle.
Family Focus in our prayers today. Please subscribe to the Youtube channel when you follow the link. This is our Friday Service.
My Times are in his Hands. We welcome Rachael to the team as she sings In Christ Alone.
It is our Wednesday Communion, in the Jeremy Taylor Chapel. The service will DV be on the phone line before 10 am. Never heard ot he phone line? 028-9124-2230 is the number for your friends and family to dial – if they have no smartphone or internet access. It costs as much as a local call.
Marlene joins Stephen as we try to “give thanks in all circumstances”. Welcome to worship on Tuesday 21 April.
Monday sees Stephen remember a photo from many years ago. Watch here.
Sunday Morning Worship is here. Sorry for delay in publishing this!
Merciful Lord,
grant to your faithful people pardon and peace,
that we may be cleansed from all our sins,
and serve you with a quiet mind;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
This has been our prayer this week: I find it a refreshingly simple but wide-ranging request to God. We finish this Easter Week with a short Saturday service ending with Amazing Grace,
Join us tomorrow when Keith will share a message with us and we will sing Thine be the Glory.
Have you told anyone yet about the phone version of this? 028 9124 2230: a local call to listen only, this is suitable for those without “tech”
Subscribe to our YouTube channel while watching today’s clip.
It is Friday, which used to be the end of a working week, but, for many, is just another day of lockdown restrictions. We continue our daily video thoughts and prayers, thinking of some burning hearts.
We present our video service today based on the hymn Abide with me. I hope you enjoy our short reflection.
Yesterday we introduced a new version of the daily service, this time for the people in the parish who do not have much technology, just a phone. It was used by seven different people at home, and I thank them for listening right through to the end. I hope they and many more come back today to enjoy this new facility for phone users.
If they ring 028 9124 2230 they will HEAR (only) the audio of today’s service. It is a local call. Please tell those people whom you would like to have an opportunity to pray with their parish each day, as you do.
Today’s service reflects on Jesus the Teacher as we pray for leaders teachers the friends we are missing and one another. It is here.
On Easter Tuesday a frosty start has given way to bright morning sunshine, and every little thing helps, doesn’t it? Here are today’s videos: first the Prayer Video, then the Music from the Getty family.
Easter Monday: . . a quiet mind. . . Asking God to help us become quiet in these distressing times, as we begin a short series this week. Watch here. Please subscribe (it’s free) to our YouTube Channel if you have an app.
Easter Day: we celebrate the Christ is Risen with a service of Holy Communion at St Ignatius’ Carryduff. The service will be available by 9:00 am on Sunday 12th April.
Saturday Morning : Easter Eve hymn and reflection.
A hymn for Good Friday morning
Good Friday Morning Readings and Prayers
Our Maundy Thursday Evening Communion is published here.
Some brief prayers for Maundy Thursday Morning.
The Puppets are back today, remembering the crowds on Palm Sunday. This leaves room for tonight’s Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday from St Ignatius’ Church building.
If you issued the last puppet sketch, . . .over 1000 people saw it. . . then visit it here, on YouTube.
We are outside today, that is, I am walking within the church and rectory perimeter. Simon Peter denies knowing Jesus three times. Watch it on our YouTube channel click here.
Prayer is our theme today, Tuesday. I recommend watching and listening to a video by the Gettys as we move towards Good Friday . The Power of the Cross. Today’s worship is assisted by Evan and Keith. Watch it here.
Monday Morning at worship and prayer.
Sunday: visit our facebook page to see the service there.
Saturday features thanks for the Good Samaritans around us today, and prayers for them too. Here is the link. We have another song from the Gettys The Lord is my Salvation. Beautiful music again.
Enduring love, the love that perseveres. Today we pray for those whose love has not endured, or who are facing life alone without the love they once experienced. Who first springs to mind when you hear that introduction? Give them a call today if you can. I encourage you to watch the following video song before going on to watch the service.
Thanks for you comments and shares of the FaceBook page. Today;s thoughts come from a conversation with a faithful parishioner, to whom I hereby give thanks. This is today’s reflection and prayer from around 10.00 am.
When you are done, link here to a song by He will hold me fast. The guitar chords are displayed for the use of any budding guitarists!
Holy Communion from the Rectory

On Tuesday we get a challenge to create some memorable stones. Watch now.
It is Monday Morning and I hope you enjoyed a fine weekend. Today’s Worship and prayers
Saturday Morning at the rectory: time to face our fears.
Sunday morning at the Rectory Watch Here.
Good morning. Last night the community joined in thanking the NHS for their excellent sacrifical care. We joined in. Watch the video and meet our two little guests at the rectory!
It is Thursday 26 March, 8:15 am and time for today’s prayer video. Keith leads us in prayer as we say Psam 121 together, and hear a reading (from Philipians 4:4-9) chosen by the Archbishop of Canterbury for his letter of encouragement to the worldwide anglican communion.

Two videos today: The First with Jenny and Stephen, and one, Puppets-on-a-click by the puppet team from Killaney. Have a look, and enjoy. If you like them, please let us know.. Sign up for more by liking KandCd at the Crossroads, our facebook page.
It is stay-at-home Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs. . . Today’s clip
Monday morning: bright but . . . Here is a prayer video for today, 23 March, with a glimpse of the hi-tech studio in the rectory.
On Mothering Sunday 22nd an as-live Communion service starts on Facebook at 9:00 am. Watch here.
A few comments and a short reading on Friday night, 20 March.
Stephen leads us in prayer from his home on 19 March
Check this out: Keith and Stephen lead daily prayer on 18 March
Feel free to enjoy them, and join in too!