Wednesday 26 March
11:30 Midweek Communion and Lunch in Carryduff
Jeremiah 13:1-11 John 8:12-30 Please let us know you are coming for lunch
7:30 Lenten Midweek Worship in Carryduff
Friday 28th March Concert Night
Ballygowan Voices + Harry Ferguson Memorial Pipe Band
In Concert at 7:30 pm in St Ignatius’ Church only £10:00
with refreshments
Sunday 30 March Mothering Sunday (Purple)
Happy are the Holy. Philippians 4:14-18 Luke 10:38-42
8:30 Holy Communion in Carryduff
10:30 Parish Communion in Carryduff
12:00 Parish Communion in Killaney
If using the bible links above to help you prepare a reading for church, please ensure you select the NIV UK version on
Please note readings are subject to change. The most recent choices are here.
Thank you.